March Newsletter: Embracing the Elements

Spring is here, its gentle return is dotted throughout London with Pink magnolia blooms. There is a feeling of opening the windows and receiving a fresh breeze of sweetness.

What has been dormant is awakening and with it, the promise of new life, new breath, and a new way of walking in the world. Nature is a mirror we look to that reminds us how cycles and seasons are necessary to rekindle our spark. 

With all the pain in the world, we must also keep our joy alive. This is how we help birth a new way of being. Our elemental nature is to love, we can get caught up in the fear loops on repeat. It is a potent time to remember who you are and what you came here to experience.
Embracing our elements helps us create a home in our animal bodies where our souls can expand. In the desire to raise our vibes, we don’t want to bypass what our human experience needs. 

Most of us want to feel happiness and joy. Sometimes we need to get close to the ground and grieve, allow sadness like waves of water to wash us clean, feel the fire of sacred anger that alchemizes our hurt and breathe love into it all. Love all our emotions, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

When we move away from what our human hearts need to feel, we can push down, avoid, numb out, and disassociate from the messages our wise bodies are sending us. The more fractured the world gets, the more important it is that we embrace our healing to embody the integration we need for ourselves and each other. 

How often do you reach out for the embrace when you are hurting? Often we turn away when we need to turn in. To allow the warmth of the sun to return, soften what has been lying dormant. This is the call to come home, to air out our inner space and breathe new life into our desires and dreams. 

Getting back to the elements disarms the defensive stance of separation and opens the conversation to embrace connection.

Love is not always about feeling good, Feeling good is an outcome of loving all our truths. May we embody our shadow and light and own the wholeness within so we are part of the wholehearted conversations that will bring love back into balance. 

May you bloom in all the beauty that you are.


May Newsletter: The Swirl of Spring


Guided Meditation: Feel Your Groove