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A space to share newsletters, events, podcasts, videos, guided meditations, online courses & coaching resources. Sign up for The Monthly Newsletter Below.

Newsletter Mia Togo Newsletter Mia Togo

Newsletter: Leaning into a Season of SAD

I have been in a holding pattern with my newsletter. I have felt more sadness lately. Not just about my personal life but the state of the world. At the same time I am in love with my life and respect the necessary shifts that are happening in the world.

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Mia Togo Mia Togo

What My Mentors Mean to Me

Many years ago as I was working on my degree in psychology at UCLA, I felt disheartened by the amount of self-loathing I carried with me. I knew so much about how to change my thoughts, yet the feelings of low self-worth were incessantly standing guard to block real happiness.

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Mia Minute, Video Mia Togo Mia Minute, Video Mia Togo

Mia Minute: FREE/D/OM

None of us were given a road map on how to navigate this life and some of the maps that were handed down are like the old Thomas Guide, no longer relevant and outdated! If we want to feel free to live our best life, what needs to be FREED from an old story?

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Retreats Mia Togo Retreats Mia Togo

France Retreat: Earthly Delights

May has been off to a busy start. I recently returned from my retreat in the Dordogne region of Southern France. It is breathtakingly beautiful there and the villages, castles, countryside are a source of inspiration.

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Video, Mia Minute Mia Togo Video, Mia Minute Mia Togo

Mia Minute: On Letting go of the BS

The Mia Minute is a place for students, clients and myself to come together and learn how to work with energy. Many of us have not been given these tools, and while we may have a very committed asana or meditation practice, often when we are triggered and emotions bubble to the surface, we simply don't know how exactly to process and release them.

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Newsletter Mia Togo Newsletter Mia Togo

Newsletter: Mind The Gap

I have landed in the UK, but it’s taking me some time to feel at ease in this new land. Change as much as I seek it, can be the catalyst for change in places that were dormant and undiscovered.

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Newsletter Mia Togo Newsletter Mia Togo

Newsletter: Self-Centeredness

The heat is on! Summertime magnifies the intensity of all the shifts we are experiencing. When we go through shifts in our personal lives, it helps us look at things that we have outgrown and no longer need to hold on to. It’s a potent time to declutter and make space for the self.

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Retreats Mia Togo Retreats Mia Togo

France Retreat: May 2019

Next may, in the Southwest of France, I’ll be hosting a Yoga retreat in collaboration with The Travel Yogi and I want you to come! This 2019 retreat will run from May 11-18 and is suitable for all levels of Yoga.

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courage to hear your call

identify what is calling to you And start Living in alignment with your gifts and brilliance.

The Courage to Hear Your Call is a, go-at-your-own-pace, online course that you can do from anywhere. I recommend spacing it out over 7 weeks or more to allow yourself plenty of time to process and digest each of the lessons.

This course will help you identify and understand what is holding you back from pursuing your dreams and will teach you HOW to escape the trance of unworthiness and work through any roadblocks that may be holding you back.