July Newsletter: Zoned Out
Hope you are all enjoying your summer. I just returned from Sardinia – my third time back – and yes, it is a charm. As a blue zone, Sardinia boasts a lifestyle that is sweet and simple. Blue zones are where people live the longest and most fulfilling lives.
Food, lifestyle, strong spiritual networks and social connection are some of the ingredients. One of my favorite things I have experienced is the pleasure of doing nothing. Sometimes we need time to zone out and clear space.
Many of us have busy lives and the buzz can drown out the call of your inner voice – the wise one within you beyond the noise of conditioning. Feeling disconnected from each other can shut down the creative juices we need to stay inspired. It is an art form, to communicate clearly within ourselves and with each other. It takes practice like anything and commitment is key.
Before I left I was beginning some new directions and then my body had a strong response that felt like a No. I had to sit with it and course correct. In the past I may have kept going because I had committed to this new project. Deep down inside I knew it was not the direction for my soul to be nourished.
Sometimes you need to revise who and what you are committed to and realign in the direction of what is your true North. That’s why embodied practices attune you the wisdom that lives beneath the mind and in the heart of your inner guidance.
It’s important to check in when you're headed in new directions. What part of you is leading? Does this nourish your Body, mind, heart, and spirit? Doesn't mean it is easy. Does the journey make space for more ease in your connection to soul intentions? This is what I call Blue Zone living (from anywhere in the world) when all parts of you feel aligned with your inner voice and you commit to doing whatever work it takes to express it authentically, whether or not people approve of it. What a remedy to pleasing others and owning your relationship with pleasure!
I have worked with so many clients who lost their way from the zone of their own brilliance. They took on the beliefs and biases of other people's desires and sacrificed their own. This can feel like drudgery and dullness. You can’t shine authentically when you are pleasing others, that is the trance of the inner critic. Getting to the core of who you are and centering your needs gets you back into your dance with life. When you love truth first, love yourself next, then the love you give to others is not from sacrifice or servitude, it is in service of True Love.
As an ex people pleaser I know how hard it can be to break up with habits that feel soothing, even when they're at the detriment to your expansion. This life is not a dress rehearsal, relationships are where we practice and get mirrored back what needs resolving. Yes you have to release attachments to old beliefs and up-level your learning, but what you receive is a full life in the zone of your brilliance and genius.
You are not meant to be a carbon copy, that crap is old. You are a creative being here to manifest a life of love and purpose. I help folks rinse the emotions that have them stuck in a loop, process the unresolved hurt, and own where they're holding themselves back so they can consciously create a new story that celebrates their voice.
Everyone deserves to live in the Blue Zone of their being. Life is sweet, simple, sparkly, sexy, soulful, spiritual, soothing, scarcity has no place here. Take some time to zone out from the noise and zone in on what lights you up. Sitting still is a rebellious act in a world that says keep busy to prove your worth. AND you must show up and commit to it every day. Soften the walls of resistance and soak in some new energy, the zone of sweetness is much more playful and full of possibility. Love lives here.
P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about the coaching work that I do, click the button below to book a FREE discovery call with me.