June Newsletter: Summer Softeness


Hello everybody, 

How are you doing? Feeling? I recently was telling my husband I am tired. Not the kind of tired that needs sleep. I needed to step away from the frequency of the city. My sensitivity felt overloaded. It wasn’t a problem that my head could unfurl, the tuning rod of my spirit needed more space to feel the natural rhythm of life. 

There is a lot of energy swirling around in the world that impacts us, in big and small ways. It is important to participate in an expanding world and also soothe our inner world. 

Centering Joy is a practice that makes us available to the frequency of what's shifting and expands our capacity to stay in a space of love. 

Taking time away in the Country was the salve my entire system needed. Self care is key to bring us into alignment so we feel less worry, anxiety, and fear AND more hope, possibility, and inspiration. Every season of our life offers a new relationship to how we hold ourselves. 

I have had to pivot my practices to hold a softer force field for my precious energy. It is important for all of us to review and update what that means. Summer solstice is a sweet time to renew your commitment to Self. A midway point to check in with your body, mind, heart, and spirit. Relationships within and with others are barometers; what needs clearing, connection, care. What pivots are necessary to course correct in the direction of love?

Our stories create a map, a kaleidoscope of mixed experiences that informs our inner narrative. This topography is a beautiful tool to learn from the past and curate a path that is more aligned with who you are now and where you want to go. Old stories rooted in fear may need an update so they don't hijack your dreams and desires. 

Softening hooks of harshness is a sweet space to create new conditions of acceptance. The more compassion you have for your humanness, the softer the grip of past mistakes so they become gold nuggets of wisdom. 

What conditions of Self care do you want to create so this season supports your bloom? Change is always happening, how we change with each season informs how we unfold into the next. Softening the grip of fear opens your hands to receive the expansion of summer's sweetness. 

Some Suggestions:

  • Walk in nature

  • Sing and dance like nobody's watching. 

  • Turn off your phone for a while

  • Call your besties

  • Cuddle with animals

  • Move your body with no agenda

  • Scream into a pillow

  • Process your emotions

  • Write out your fears and hurts so they can move, then write out what will soothe them.

  • Honor loss and celebrate your wins


Create a sacred space for all your emotions to move, this shifts your energy. Let the warmth of the sun revitalize your relationship with your Self care. Softening is a strength that allows your life force to move through you, your natural rhythm is not forced it is followed with care. 

Sending love,


P.S. Don’t forget about the NEW online yoga class that I’ll be hosting over Zoom on the last Sunday of each month. In honour of the summer solstice, this class will focus on softening into summer. Click the link below to sign up!


July Newsletter: Zoned Out


May Newsletter: The Swirl of Spring